Thursday, August 27, 2009

Greens Plus - Greens +, 360 veggie caps

Greens Plus - Greens +, 360 veggie caps

Ok, let me preface this with saying I am one of the biggest skeptics you'll ever meet. I don't easily fall for new fads, miracle cures, or anything that seems to be too good to be true. This being said, I am completely in love with this product and feel it has helped boost my immune system 100%.
Unfortunately, I am not as health-conscious as I should be. I am overweight, have a bit of an addiction to McDonald's cheeseburgers, and maybe exercise once or twice a week. It all seemed to catch up with me last Thanksgiving when I got hit with a cold. No big deal, I get them a couple of times a year. Then, right before Christmas, I got another cold. I was very put-out, but just figured it was my bad luck.

February rolls around and brings with it Cold #3. I had missed quite a bit of work and was getting very concerned that something else might be wrong. I developed a slight fever, but it all went away in one week. I hoped that it was all over and I had just had an unfortunate cold season.
When I got back to work, I spoke with one of my co-workers, "Emily," who is a self-proclaimed health-nut. She would always brag that she "never got colds." I would cringe and tell her to a) not tempt fate and b) stop rubbing it in. She swore by this "green food" powder she drank every day in her lemonade. It looked like finely cut grass, and I assumed that's what it was. I told her she was nuts, she hadn't gotten a cold because she was lucky, she ate really well, and ran every morning. I let her fix me some of the powder and tried to mix it up with my tea. It was horribly, it felt like I was drinking, well, finely cut grass. It didn't have a bad taste, but the texture was grotesque. I told her I'd take my chances.
Well, Here comes March and, with it, a new cold. By this time I was desperate. Emily told me to go to the health store and look for some of the green foods in capsule form. I did so, and although I couldn't find the brand she was taking in capsule form (Green Vibrance), I did find the Greens Plus. It seemed to have a lot of similar ingredients, so I went ahead and bought it ($40!). Whatever, I figured this was my last-ditch effort before hauling myself down to the doctor.
I took 4 of the pills that night, and, I swear, woke up the next morning feeling ok. It was like I had knocked my cold out before it really got started. I was elated, but still not convinced. I was sure it could have been coincidental, but after four months and four colds, I really didn't care. I took 3 of these pills every morning (you can take up to 12), and the colds didn't come back. Twice since then, I've felt that "scratchy throat" feeling you get when a cold's coming on, and I'll up my dosage to 4, twice a day. I'm always fine the next day.
Colds are flying around my office, but Emily and I are still (knock on wood) healthy. I've since done a little internet research on the individual ingredients, but am still not sure what it is that is helping. Maybe it's just a placebo effect. I haven't had any of the other benefits the product claims like increased energy, stamina, etc., but I also haven't gotten another cold. I am a faithful believer in it now. Maybe it's just snake oil and maybe it's all due to the placebo effect. But seriously, I don't care. I haven't had a cold in a while, so I'm happy as can be. I would recommend this product to anyone.

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