Monday, June 29, 2009

Traditional Medicinals Mother's Milk, 16-Count Boxes

Traditional Medicinals Mother's Milk, 16-Count Boxes

Safety Information
Contraindications: Do not use if you have known allergies to aniseed, anethole or fennel or to plants of the Asteraceae (daisy) family such as blessed thistle, calendula, chamomile, echinacea, safflower or yarrow. Pregnancy and lactation: This product is intended to be used while breastfeeding and also nursing please consult your midwife or other pre-natal healthcare provider before using this product.

Sweet fennel seed, anise seed, coriander seed, spearmint leaf, lemongrass leaf, lemon verbena leaf, althea root, blessed thistle herb, fenugreek seed.

For maximum benefit, tea must be properly prepared. Pour 8 oz. freshly boiled water over a tea bag in a cup. Cover cup and steep for 10 minutes. These steps directly influence the amount of beneficial components that will end up in your teacup! Gently squeeze the tea bag to release any remaining extract. Drink three to five cups daily. Sweeten with honey if desired.

Legal Disclaimer
This information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your qualified physician or other health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay in seeking medical advice.

The secret lives of plants have captured the imagination and respect of Traditional Medicinals for more than 30 years. Blending a reverence of plants with the wisdom of the ancient arts, Traditional Medicinals combine the best of herbal medicine with the most modern scientific methods of quality control to produce a line of traditional herbal tea formulas distributed across the country.

It all started in early 1974, when three young friends started Traditional Medicinals in the back store room of a small herb shop along the Russian River in Northern California. The company was founded with the intention of providing healing remedies, while preserving the knowledge and herbal formulas of Traditional Herbal Medicine, or THM. At the time, traditional herbal tea infusions, likely the earliest form of medicine, had all but faded away here in this country. And never before had these safe and effective medicines been available in convenient tea bags. Over the decades that followed, the company introduced millions of health conscious consumers to traditional herbal tea formulas and the concepts of THM. These effective natural medicines were well received and Traditional Medicinals has grown dramatically. Well over a billion cups of tea have been produced at the company's California facility, and many products such as Smooth Move, Throat Coat, and Organic Echinacea Plus have become mainstream and can readily be found throughout North America.

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