Friday, September 12, 2008

BodyRelief Detox Foot Pads 10 Per Packet

BodyRelief Detox Foot Pads 10 Per Packet

10 Patches per Packet...5 nights on, 2 nights off, each packet is good for one week. Looking for a safe alternative to PAIN killers? ....... Looking for an easy way to rid your body of poisonous TOXINS THAT COULD MAKE YOU SICK?........... BodyRelief Action is 2-fold:..... 1) BodyRelief emit far infrared energy (FIR)to stimulate blood and lymph circulation and the reflexology points of the feet...... 2) BodyRelief are highly absorptive and help to absorb what the body throws off--when worn over an area of the body where the body expels. ....... Simply the Best! And as Easy as 1-2-3!.....

Compare BodyRelief to Lower Quality Products!..... Simple, the Highest of Quality, Effective and with..... No BS. Users get remarkable results from using our product! We don't need to make things up to induce you to buy. Just plain and simple. ........ No Foil backing to prevent evaporation or shorten useful life........ No filler ingredients--only ingredients that add to the far infrared emission and absorption. Other ingredients are questionable. (When you read claims about what ingredients do, just ask yourself, "When worn on the bottom of the feet?" Or "Is it possible for a product to contain that?" ....(Example: Some products list Negative Ions as an ingredient. That is not much different from saying their product contains sunshine!)....... No animal products such as chitosan (shell-fish) which is there for its anti-bacterial properties (and not for absorbing fat as some would have you believe.) Our product has such a high percentage of wood vinegar, it needs no added anti-bacterial. ........ No industrial by-product wood vinegar (often bamboo)........ Sealed properly to avoid a loss in effectiveness due to exposure to moisture. .......... 5+ grams (as compared to 3.5 or even less for most)....... BodyRelief lasts longer and is extremely effective!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this information.If need further information just see the site

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