Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bluebonnet CholesteRice (Cholesterol Lowering Complex) Caps 60's

Cholesterol Problem : Bluebonnet CholesteRice (Cholesterol Lowering Complex) Caps 60's

* Helps to Lower Cholesterol
* Promotes Healthy Platelet Function
* Healthy Heart
* Restores COQ-10

Cholesterol is a fatty substance made by the liver and found in all parts of the human body. The body used cholesterol to produce hormones, vitamin D and bile acids involved in fat digestion. It takes only a small amount of cholesterol in the blood to meet these needs and the liver makes all the cholesterol the body requires. Cholesterol is carried through the bloodstream attached to proteins, forming complexes called lipoproteins. There are two major types of lipoprotein: low-density lipoproteins (LDL) commonly known as bad cholesterol and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) usually called good cholesterol. The ideal profile is low LDL cholesterol, high HDL cholesterol and a moderate total of both. Many people can lower their blood cholesterol by changing their diet, loosing excess weight and exercising more. Unfortunately, many people also require assistance due to their genetic ability to manufacture more than what is needed. Along with proper diet and exercise, the safe use of supplements may have beneficial effects on heart health. The major supplements that have excellent data to support these effects are: red yeast rice, policosanol, pantethine and plant sterols. Bluebonnet's CholesteRice Red Rice Complex VCaps provide these complementary and synergistic ingredients at significant levels along with natural, trans-isomer CoQ10.

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