Monday, June 15, 2009

7-Day Detox Miracle, Revised 2nd Edition: Revitalize Your Mind and Body with This Safe and Effective Life-Enhancing Program

7-Day Detox Miracle, Revised 2nd Edition: Revitalize Your Mind and Body with This Safe and Effective Life-Enhancing Program

7-Day Detox Miracle, Revised 2nd Edition: Revitalize Your Mind and Body with This Safe and Effective Life-Enhancing Program

This guide for a purifying fast and follow up detox diet may seem rather complicated if you do EVERYTHING, but there are some passages that let you know the key supplements to take and although this may seem hard to accept now, following this plan for about a week or so is not impossible. One also needs to be patient with oneself about how perfectly the diet's many recommendations are followed.

I lost four pounds in one week the first time I tried the diet, and found that soon after, when I went back to "regular food" my craving for certain foods was all but gone, and for others, greatlyl reduced. I still maintain some of the supplements but have reduced my intake to once a day to save money (I was faithful about the twice a day requirement on many of them during the initial week).

I have had a series of back and knee injuries and had taken muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories with some regularity for years. I now think these substances had built up in my body, because within about two to three weeks of my weeklong detox (followed up by a less rigid diet that was nonetheless much improved over my usual diet), I felt a real difference, as if something had just gone out of me, not sure how else to express it. It's even helped my mood and energy.

I sympathize with those reviewers who felt that there was just no way for them to work this out because other family members could not support it. It IS an added burden to cook different meals, do special shopping, and yes the food can be boring if one lacks time to make the jazzier versions of the organic veggie meals. Fortunately, I have a flexible spouse and have taken a number of things out of my diet over the years--caffiene, alcohol, esp.

I guess I'd recommend that you ease up to giving up some of these things if you drink coffee, liquor, etc. It might be easier than dealing with a complicated diet and caffeine withdrawal all at once, for example. The supplements really can help you, however, clean out any toxins that come into your system while you are on the diet. Your body will start to try to get rid of the toxins, releasing them into the blood, and it may feel worse before it feels better. If you hang in there, take your supplements--I found NAC, Milk Thistle, and, of all things, Charcoal, especially useful--the discomforts may be somewhat reduced, as they were for me.

Still I highly recommend this and will continue to use it from time to time. The first time through, I found it hard to follow up in terms of adding foods, bit by bit, to detect allergies. But I did figure out I was very sensitive to white sugar, and cut back, with good results. Same a bit with wheat and things like corn chips. I've continued to lose weight (three more pounds in the following month, without any effort) and have fewer cravings, so I think it really works.

I've also done the diet for just six days another time because of family commitments, but still found it very useful and cleansing.

Give it a try at a workable time--but if you are ill, do it sooner, not later.

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