Monday, October 27, 2008

Nutrition and HIV: A New Model for Treatment

Nutrition and HIV: A New Model for Treatment

Romeyn, a San Francisco internist specializing in HIV and nutrition, posits wasting, or starvation from within, as the enemy in opposing the advance of HIV infection. Already a grandmother when she began her internship in 1988, Romeyn exhibits here a remarkable combination of compassion, common sense and expertise. She explains clearly how HIV infection promotes wasting and why maintaining lean body mass is essential. She provides a self-help program for monitoring one's condition, improving one's appetite, taking the necessary supplements and dealing with special problems. A strong patient advocate and a proponent of aggressive and early treatment, she offers advice on the therapies currently available for fighting both the virus and secondary infections, choosing a doctor and a health-care plan, getting into new drug trials and using computer sources of information. Ten appendixes and a glossary pack in additional useful information. Although its focus is on nutrition, this is a truly comprehensive guide to combatting the ravages of HIV infection.

Romeyn, a San Francisco-based internist and a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, states that "HIV is a disease of decreasing nutritional status." Through the loss of nutrients and weight, the body loses the ability to fight off AIDS or opportunistic infectors. Her book arms HIV+ individuals with the knowledge to monitor and control their own nutritional status aggressively and thus maintain better health. Romeyn explains how individuals can perform their own nutritional assessment and preserve body mass through supplements and careful eating habits. Charts, recommendations, and scientific references are included. Special problems, medicines, lifestyle suggestions, and social support for the HIV+ individual are incorporated throughout the text. Although written for the highly educated reader, this book is readable and packed with useful information. Recommended for all health libraries serving HIV+ populations.?Janet M. Schneider, James A. Haley Veterans Hosp., Tampa, Fla.

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